The true story of seventy two banned books and one man's quest to find them. The Hard-Boiled, Soft-Core Books Banned by the Government in the 1950s. The true story of a Pornographer, a Mobster, a Pin up King and the artists and models they employed. From the gutters of Times Square to the Supreme Court. Books and Illustrations unseen for fifty years with text by Jim Linderman
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Bilbrew Draws a Leg Man for Leonard Burtman
Leonard Burtman would throw any fetish against the wall to see if it stuck. While he never, to my knowledge, published a title specifically titled "LEGS" he certainly published his share of material covering the leg coverings...stockings. Here, house artist Eugene Bilbrew takes the obsession to a logical limit...and objectifies the female form to the extreme.
Times Square Smut the Book is coming SOON. Stay Tuned. In the meantime, other titles are available HERE in paperback and as $5.99 ebooks.