The true story of seventy two banned books and one man's quest to find them. The Hard-Boiled, Soft-Core Books Banned by the Government in the 1950s. The true story of a Pornographer, a Mobster, a Pin up King and the artists and models they employed. From the gutters of Times Square to the Supreme Court. Books and Illustrations unseen for fifty years with text by Jim Linderman
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Eugene Bilbrew Reduces Chararacterization to a Wig, Stockings, a Corset and some Shoes
Master illustrator, sometimes art director and chief renderer for House of Burtman Eugene Bilbrew conjurs up a perfect characterization of cash cow Bettie Page. How the pinup model became cross-dressing's most famous figure of the 1950s will be revealed...
Eugene Bilbrew...Junkie, draftsman and genius helps to create an underground icon.
Times Square Smut the Book is coming soon