The true story of seventy two banned books and one man's quest to find them. The Hard-Boiled, Soft-Core Books Banned by the Government in the 1950s. The true story of a Pornographer, a Mobster, a Pin up King and the artists and models they employed. From the gutters of Times Square to the Supreme Court. Books and Illustrations unseen for fifty years with text by Jim Linderman
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Eugene Bilbrew: The Gay Digest Paperback Work
Scarce books produced by associates of organized crime for the underground homosexual market of the early 1960s. At the time, it was risky enough to publish, sell or even own these digest-sized books. Accordingly, they were priced (by shop-owners) through the roof. At the time in Manhattan, the gay clubs were owned in part or in full by members of organized crime as well. Some of artist Eugene Bilbrew's most interesting work, and the remain fascinating over 50 years later. See ALSO TIMES SQUARE SMUT the Book available HERE from